13.05.2022 Josselin Cornou

Capturing Iceland Breaking Into Fire With FUJIFILM GFX100S

Josselin Cornou

Josselin Cornou (aka Joss) is a French Australian Adventure & Landscape photographer & Software Engineer currently living in London, UK. 

Joss first picked up a camera in 2012, months after starting his new job as an Engineer. Photography was a means for him to continue nurturing his creativity, and being able to slow down and journal, while waiting for the perfect lights.

By 2017 Photography led him to travel across all continents. Visiting Antarctica was a chance to pivot his photography, with an aim to focus on sustainability, education & the environment, leading him to have his body of work recognized and published worldwide (e.g. National Geographic, Committee of Space Research 2021, World Photography Awards, Australian photography magazine, etc.). Josselin uses the GFX system as his main camera system, due to the advantages of shooting Medium format. 
