2019.08.30 David Templier

David Templier

As an instinctive photographer, I have always been inspired by the whims of nature and human behaviours for most of my personal artistic projects. It is a way of submitting to the forces of nature and of paying close attention to human beings and their actions. The contemplation of everything around me becomes more intense behind my lens.
I was trained as a film photographer and I now work with digital cameras, but I have not forgotten the magic of films and film development. I produce photographic reports and also write articles in the press, while spending as much time as possible on my personal artistic projects.
I travel as often as I can and choose my destinations according to my photographic aspirations. For some years, I have been working on the consequences of tourism and the impact of man on nature. Beyond the artistic dimension, photography is a reference, so there is a genuine responsibility.
