Shenjie Wu (China)

Top 10 Portrait Photographers of China

FUJIFILM X-Photographer

2018 Trierenberg Super Circuit

Winner of the Fujifilm Grand Prix Trophy

I often divorce myself from the mass and reality, but my concepts are not come on an impulse. I have been to many museums and exhibitions to learn about the inspiration stories of artworks, gradually cultivating the habit of thinking about the concept before creating. Sometimes it is based on emotions, sometimes it is about a story of delusion, and sometimes it is inspired by music and also inspired through appreciating artworks, walking on the streets, and life experiencing. When the idea is developed, I would start making plans and mood boards. The desired pictures would never be taken without perfect preparations.

As a photographer, I have witness the transition of the photography era from film to digital. From darkroom processing to digital editing, the form of photography seems to change greatly in my understanding, but essentially no fundamental changes have taken place. It’s still about the combination between the preliminary stage and photo manipulation.

Ansel Adams is the world’s most representative top photographer with a perfect mastering of preliminary stage and photo manipulation in the film image era. Now as we enter the digital age, we should attach greater importance to this combination to create more valuable pictures. Therefore, as a digital photographer, we should control shooting process to perfectly combine with editing and keep improving the ability of digital editing until we create a perfect image. In the end, to feel the beautiful reveries which digital photography lights up for us.

I believe that the more a photographer shares and communicates with others, the happier he gets and the more he improves. A photographer could learn in happiness, discover in communication, and deepen his understanding in sharing.

Many images will come to our minds during the creation process, but the breakthrough is often based on more discoveries in life. Photographic technology has been replaced by data in the digital age, but a touching work is deeply rooted in the author's profound cultural heritage and self-discovery ability, to discover the routine and unconventional values, ideas, emotions and meanings.

Photography is an endless road to learn, explore, and discover...

Gear กล้อง เลนส์
Shenjie Wu (China)Emotion
Shenjie Wu (China)
Shenjie Wu (China)Image Shaped by Mind
Shenjie Wu (China)
Image Shaped by Mind