This is the last episode of the series, and we’d like to talk about PROVIA.
Throughout the series, we have been looking at the mapping chart with tonality on the vertical axis and saturation on the horizontal axis. “PROVIA” stays at the center of the chart and is the FUJIFILM’s standard film simulation.
You might think of “standard” as being medium, but better suited description would be “almighty” in the case of PROVIA. Why? Because PROVIA is all about robustness.
No matter what the subject, lighting, or the shooting environment may be, you will find the photos non-collapsed when it is taken in PROVIA. You will also probably find yourself not needing to change the settings when you shoot in PROVIA.
With the X series cameras, you can customize tone, colors, white balance, dynamic range and etc just by pushing the “Q” button. You can create your preferred setting to suit your taste and you can set the parameters to the extreme. With PROVIA, you will find that images stays tough against these customization. It is like good meat remains tasty, no matter what the recipe may be.
You can use PROVIA for various applications. The expression is limitless. The dot on the chart should be replaced with a wide circle. PROVIA is like Ace of Spades. This is the strongest card of all, and you can be confident of the outcome even when you do not know what to expect.
And before we end the series, let us talk about RAW images. We have received messages from many people questioning whether we would delete the RAW options in future. And our answer to the question is “NO”!
We, at FUJIFILM, do not deny the idea of RAW files or processing.
We believe that the RAW files are part of the fun in photography. But at the same time, we also believe that RAW files are not complete as photo images when they remain just as they are.
FUJIFILM is a camera maker and a photography maker at the same time.
As a camera maker, we are responsible for making quality cameras. And as a photography maker, we need to assure the images that these cameras create. We need show what we believe are good photography.
The Film Simulation is one of our answers. When you are processing RAW files on your computer, it might be fun to question “How would FUJIFILM would edit these colors and images?”
In cooperation with : R&D Div. Optical, Electronic Imaging Products Div. FUJIFILM