2017.05.02 Valerie Jardin


Valerie Jardin

Photography changed my life forever. The day I picked up a camera I became a storyteller. Photography is my passion, my obsession, my addiction. I live and breathe in pixels! My passion for humankind drives me to shoot mostly street photography. I thrive on searching and waiting for just the right moment when a story unfolds in a single frame. I also look to shoot the extraordinary in the ordinary - it's in the details. I've learned to see when I look, to find beauty everywhere. Although I love wandering the streets of large cities, the natural world around me always amazes me. I feel so privileged to see it all through my lens.
After working as a commercial photographer for 14 years, I am now devoting my time and energy to educate others. Teaching is my opportunity to share my passion and skills with others while leading international photography workshops. I also give talks and presentations at photo conferences.
I also share my passion for photography by writing articles. I'm a writer for Australian-based dPS magazine and the host of my very own street photography weekly podcast Street Focus. I fell in love with the X100S when it came out and never looked back. The gear should never get in the way and this little camera has simply become an extension of my vision.
Born and raised in France, I currently live in Minnesota, USA. Living the dream…




这款相机为何如此特别?就我个人经验而言,它拓展了我的视野。我无需思考如何使用,它可以完全靠直觉来操控,就像我身体的一部分。它的最新款尤其令人惊叹。从ST的诸多改进令我非常满意,但最新的F机型更加响应摄影师的需求,成就了一个“完整”的整体。我最喜欢的一些特性是快速自动对焦,新增的ACROS胶片模拟,对焦操纵杆、自动ISO设置下更快的最小快门速度,以及更持久的电池续航能力。当然,不要忘记能使成像更加细腻的24.3MP X-Trans CMOS III传感器。我不是专业的技术人员,但我知道,怎样的感觉才是正确的,而这款相机完全符合我直觉的选择!
