X-S10: “Street photography with instax LINK WIDE” x Alex Liverani


BE CREATIVE: Images come to life

When photography becomes your profession, the risk is to end up photographing a lot for others and not much for yourself. I love to carve out days dedicated to my photography. The sea in autumn has a unique charm, it is about to go into hibernation for the long winter. In this period it is calm, relaxed and aesthetically satisfying.

My Fujifilm X-S10 takes me to discover these places of which I always am been fascinated, places that characterized the summers of my childhood. Bathhouses with bright colours and neat environments are perfect as stages for my images. These spaces are not very crowded at this period and therefore it is fun to be able to search for street photography images in complete tranquillity, working a lot in the composition phase and looking for a semblance of perfection right from the shot. X-S10 is the perfect ally in search of these situations.

These geometries and colours suggest to me photographs that deserve to be printed. There is nothing more fascinating than being able to print your images exactly where they were conceived. I find it significant that birth and conception can take place in the same place, being able to give birth to something physical, an instant after our gaze has created and fixed it.

Thanks to the new Instax Link WIDE, which prints onto instant-developing films, all this is possible in an even larger format, the Wide format.

We can leave cables and batteries at home and print the file directly from X-S10, using the direct Bluetooth connection.
Compact and light, elegant and with a refined design, Instax Link WIDE, with its only 345g is perfect to be carried with you, anywhere. The magic of transformation, from the digital image to the printed memory, takes place in just 12 seconds.

It’s really cool to be able to print so quickly without compromising on quality. I am amazed at the sharpness of the prints with Instax Link WIDE, a sharpness that I have never before found in the world of instant development. The vibrant and vivid shades, even richer with the RICH mode, are perfect for my photographic vision, where colour always plays a fundamental role.

The immediacy of instant printing stimulates creativity, facilitates the editing and overview of our works. It supports real and immediate sharing. I believe that being able to take the new Instax Link WIDE with you, while we are making a work, allows us to be able to judge our project while we are doing it, we can monitor it, we can understand how the various images work together, we can create a visual storyboard.

The new Instax Link WIDE is an indispensable tool for those like me who also experience photography as a tactile experience. Because photography is so beautiful to look at, but perhaps it is even more so when, in addition to looking at it, we can touch it, share it and give it another life.