2019.10.23 Eric Bouvet

Different Breed: Eric Bouvet x X-Pro3

Eric Bouvet

Eric Bouvet 是一名法国摄影师,生于 1961年。他在巴黎Estienne 学院学习艺术与应用图形技术,并于1981年开始自己的摄影艺术生涯。
他对于摄影的兴趣,其实早在8岁时就开始了;那一天他正在看电视转播,见到的那只脚印正是人类踏上月球迈出的第一步。传播时的那种信息直达的震撼、以图片记录历史瞬间的那种力量——这些似乎成了他过去三十年来足迹踏遍120 多个国家、用镜头记录世界变化的主要动因。
上世纪80年代,Eric Bouvet 在伽马图片社担任摄影师。从1990年起,他成为一名自由摄影师。
Eric Bouvet 曾五次荣膺世界新闻摄影奖,获得Perpignan 摄影艺术节的“国际摄影奖”、战地记者Bayeux 奖、巴黎竞赛奖和摄影技术诞生150 周年庆典金奖各一次。


Nothing was planned! Neither this X-Pro3 test!
Nor the move of my daughter to Berlin!

What was just planned was this three weeks on the roads around the country, France
So as usual, I adapted, found solutions, bounced back.
Result what is better to test a device than to put it in all forms of shooting conditions…
So start for a road trip and let us make different images, inspired from either reportage, or documentary photography or even author’s photography.


I like this opportunity to exercise the eye, to find images that are not necessarily coming from my knowledge in photography. I like to get out of my comfort zone and put myself in danger. That is the way to learn. Because the eye is not always present, the peak of creativity cannot be ordered and even less for weeks. It would be great and so much easier for us photographers.

To question oneself, always! Besides, this is my photography is, because the beautiful does not interest me! What is important is to bring out an emotion, a questioning. I never want to give answers. There is nothing worse than objectivity.

Sometimes emotion comes from the composition, the framing, the subjectivity, the light, the moment or the point of view! Of course, it is far from easy! This photography makes me suffer, because it is a constant search, an evolution to heights that I will never reach. However, when I work, I do not regret anything.
My favorite thing is people. Watching them walk, protest, move, staying between them for various reasons. It is a subject without end. It is certainly the most difficult exercise to photograph our contemporaries, to find an image where nothing happens, in ordinary situations where nobody could imagine taking a photo.

With the X-Pro3 creativity takes over…following by envy, fun, willing to try things. Whether it’s full moon night views, whether it’s trying to make everything fit in a reflection of a window, whether it’s a calm, contemplative image, whether it’s on a sports event to look for something different, whether it’s classic reporting, whether it’s that special moment after which this scene will no longer exist.

Everything goes there. Moreover, nothing tires me of using this X-Pro3 and my trilogy of lenses, XF23mm, XF35mm and XF50mm all with F2 max aperture. I just want to make pictures. I can see myself going around the world with this equipment because X-Pro3 is a kind of orchestra man; it has the assets to be multipurpose. As I like any kind of photography, it suits me perfectly!
I like to push the boundaries, whether psychological, or physical, as well as my material capacities. However, the Fujifilm cameras never flexes, they are much stronger than I am…The X-Pro3 is of this kind!