Ewa Meissner(Poland)

Ewa Meissner was born in Warsaw in 1971. In 2000-2005, she studied journalism at the Faculty of Political Science at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. Co-founder of the Napo Images agency. She worked as a curator and co-organizer of photo exhibitions with the Center for Contemporary Art, the Old Gallery of the Association of Polish Art Photographers, the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the Center of Japanese Art and Technology "Manngha" in Krakow. Since 2010, she has been cooperating with the Institute of Journalism of the University of Warsaw, teaching press photography, the history of fashion photography

and the history of Japanese photography. Photo editor of photo books, "Echo" by Maksymilian Rigamonti, "Some Things are Quieter Than Others" by Jacek Fota, "Message" by Maciej Jeziorek, "Two tailed dog" by Michał Adamski, among others. Author of the blog Polish Documentary Photography Links where she promotes Polish documentary photography. Her works, oscillating between sociological - documentary photography and street photography, were exhibited, among others, in Poland, France, the Czech Republic, England and the United States

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