Sean Marc Lee (Taiwan)

I am an American photographer currently spending time in both Taipei, Taiwan. Born and raised in San Francisco, I studied film and visual arts at the University of California, San Diego before moving to Los Angeles to work in the entertainment industry.

My work is an eclectic hybrid of editorial, portraiture, youth lifestyle and travel. Clients have included Apple, Samsung, Nike, The New York Times, Monocle Magazine, Hypebeast and more! I’ve had exhibitions here in Taiwan and in Japan of my personal work involving my girlfriend and our two cats.


I have been shooting film and still shoot film for almost 20 years now, starting off with 1970s era Minolta SLRs. For personal work in the last few years, it always has been with medium format film cameras and compact 35mm cameras such as the Fujifilm Klasse W.

Fujifilm has managed to capture the spirit of film cameras so well that I rarely feel like I’m shooting digital. With the release of the GFX, they have also allowed me to jump into the world of digital medium format.

It excites me to see Fujifilm dedicated to their users with their “kaizen” approach giving new life to even their older cameras. I use these cameras on most of my jobs, and they never fail.


  • X-T1
  • XF23mmF1.4 R
  • XF35mmF1.4 R
  • XF56mmF1.2 R
  • XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS
