Apr 22, 2021
FUJIFILM Corporation
To our valued customers
Thank you very much for purchasing and using our products.
We have found that the Pixel Shift Combiner Ver.1.2.0 which was released on Apr 22 2021 was wrong software and
already replaced it with the correct one.
If you have already downloaded it, follow the procedure below.
・For Windows
If the software cannot be installed in a normal manner, download and install it again.
Even if you have installed it, check if its version is by right-clicking the “FUJIFILM Pixel Shift Combiner” in the
white bar upper and checking the version shown in “About FUJIFILM Pixel Shift Combiner”
・For Mac
Start the software and then check if its version is by clicking the “FUJIFILM Pixel Shift Combiner” in the menu
bar and checking the version shown in “About FUJIFILM Pixel Shift Combiner”.
If the version is, download and install it again.
We would appreciate it if you could understand this situation.