2016.06.10 Jacques Gillon

Jacques Gilon이 소개하는 야생에서의 텔레 컨버터

Jacques Gillon

Jacques Gillon, a scuba diver, was granted several awards at the Underwater Film Festival in Antibes, including two gold awards (“palmes d’or”) in the 1980s. He created a CD-Rom after spending several months in Madagascar. He also produced a DVD on Indonesia – “A wildlife and nature experience”.
He was granted several awards in 2005, 2006 and 2008 at the International Wildlife Photography Festival in Montier en Der. As a photographer, he illustrated a book called “Instants d’Oiseaux” in collaboration with Claude Feigné, an ornithologist. This book, which was published by “Editions du Sud Ouest”, is prefaced by Allain Bougrain-Dubourg.
In 2008-2013, Jacques Gillon was the guest of honour of the International Ornithological Film Festival in Ménigoute. He takes part in many exhibitions everywhere in France and Europe.
Jacques Gillon and his wife, Christine, have been travelling throughout the world for many years. He made a portfolio of their favourite shots of Southern Africa; this portfolio features the most beautiful wildlife and nature locations. In 2010-2011, Christine and Jacques spent more than 6 months taking pictures of the biodiversity in the rainforests of Central America and Brazil. They also dedicated more than one month to sloth preservation in a sanctuary on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.
In 2011-2013-2015, Christine and Jacques worked as volunteers and photographers for several months in Cameroon in a sanctuary dedicated to chimpanzee preservation.

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