Chenthil Mohan(India)

A documentary photographer from Bangalore, Chenthil is the recipient of 2016 Silk Awards, and 2012 Better Photography Wedding Photographer of the Year Award (couple Portraiture). Apart from Weddings, Chenthil is an accredited sports photographer specialised in professional cycling and a published photojournalist in leading publications and renowned photo festivals. Recently he was nominated to the inaugural "Mark Gunter Cycling Photographer of the Year” competition by CyclingTips Australia. Be it the mood of the moment, the gaiety of the wedding, the exuberance of the party, action in a sport or the sombreness of the ritual, Chenthil’s unique perspective, the odd angle, or different light makes even the mundane special. He lives in the outskirts of Bangalore with his wife and 5 dogs, trying to live a lifestyle true to his spirit.

Switching from conventional SLRs to the Fujifilm X system started with the Fuji X100s. Being an active photographer, the X-system made me fall in love with photography all over again. With each upgrade in the Fuji system I've always felt someone out there is listening to a photographer's feedback and keeping it simple while the technology makes its leaps and bounds. The X-Trans processor, its sensitivity, color, sharpness and its native film like treatment ​makes me feel like I've gone back to my analogue days. Now with a small bag full of Fujifilm X system cameras ranging from the X-T1 to the X-Pro2 I feel liberated and the focus is back on exploring photography as an art form rather than get bogged down with mere technological intricacies.

Chenthil MohanChenthil Mohan (India)Gallery 01
Chenthil Mohan (India)
Gallery 01

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