The new “FUJIFILM TETHER APP” allows you to connect your X/GFX Series cameras to your computer and provide tether shooting function. Available both on MacOS and Windows

The new “FUJIFILM TETHER APP” allows you to connect your X/GFX Series cameras to your computer and provide tether shooting function. Available both on MacOS and Windows

Ready on the Go
By connecting the camera to a computer via USB or network, “FUJIFILM TETHER APP” provides automated image transfer to your connected computer, also allows you to change the camera settings.
Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic
“FUJIFILM TETHER APP” can be used as tether shooting plug-in for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic.

“FUJIFILM TETHER APP” provides backup and restore function. You can save the camera setting to your computer, and put it back to your camera instantly when you need it.
Liveview on your Computer
When you connect GFX Series cameras to your computer, you can check the liveview on your computer monitor, as well as change the camera settings, and capture the images by operating the computer.

Smooth Transition
If you already have the “FUJIFILM Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO” and installed it on your computer, all the functions of “FUJIFILM Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO” are available on “FUJIFILM TETHER APP” as a plug-in for Adobe Lightroom Classic.