FUJIFILM Webcam Support

Now compatible with macOS Sierra to Catalina***

X Webcam Ver.2.0

Webcam Mode

X Webcam Ver.1.0

NEW FUJIFILM X Webcam Ver.2.0

This latest version now displays a settings control window for users to make on-the-fly adjustments to film simulations, exposure compensation, white balance, and a variety of other settings while the camera is still connected to the computer.


Step 1: Install FUJIFILM X Webcam Ver.2.0

  1. Verify that FUJIFILM X Webcam Support is compatible with your PC or Mac and X Series/GFX System Camera
    1. The following operating systems are compatible:
      1. Windows 10, 64x PC
      2. Mac running macOS 10.12(Sierra) 〜 macOS 10.15(Catalina)
    2. The following X Series and GFX System digital cameras are supported:
      1. GFX100S/GFX100/GFX50S/GFX50R
      2. X-T4/X-T3/X-T2
      3. X-H1
      4. X-Pro3/X-Pro2
      5. X-S10
      6. X-T30
      7. X-E4
      8. X100V
  2. Download and install FUJIFILM X Webcam Ver.2.0 DOWNLOAD

* macOS is registered trademark in the US and other countries by Apple Inc.
Windows is registered trademark in the US and other countries by US Microsoft Corporation.

Step 2: Launch X Webcam Ver.2.0

  1. Connect the camera directly to your PC or Mac with the appropriate USB Cable. When possible, do not connect through a USB Hub.
  2. Launch a compatible** streaming or conference application. Inside of the application select, “FUJIFILM X Webcam” for the preferred camera. Once the camera is selected, video can be shared through the X Series/GFX System camera by using the compatible conference or streaming application video streaming functionality.
  3. Click on X Webcam Ver.2.0 desktop shortcut to open the application and the settings window will appear. To set Auto Launch, refer to Step 8 below. This will allow the application window to be launched automatically when the camera is connected and detected by a web conferencing platform.
  4. Users can then choose a Film Simulation, activate Instant AF, lock AE, or adjust exposure compensation, white balance or digital zoom magnification***. Whatever settings are enabled will be saved to the attached camera for future connections until modified by the user once again.

Interface settings

  1. Instant AF: Click this button to activate and momentarily perform Instant AF.
  2. AE Lock: Click this button to lock AE settings and hold exposure.
    Click again to unlock the settings.
  3. Digital Zoom: Choose the magnification for digital zoom.
  4. Exposure compensation: Click the +/- button or move the Exposure Compensation slider up and down to determine the level of exposure compensation. Camera needs to be in Auto Exposure mode (auto shutter speed or auto aperture).
  5. Film Simulation: Select a Film Simulation to be applied.
  6. White Balance: Select a White Balance setting.
  7. Color Temperature: Adjust color temperature when [Color Temperature] is selected in [White Balance].
  8. Auto Launch: The X Webcam2 settings window will open automatically when your web conferencing platform connects to the camera if you check this box.

**Compatible cameras: GFX100, GFX 50S, GFX 50R, X-H1, X-Pro2, X-Pro3, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4
***Adjustable functions vary depending on the model and settings of the camera used.

FUJIFILM Webcam Mode

Compatible with X-T200 and X-A7

New firmware upgrades allow compatible FUJIFILM cameras to operate as webcams without any additional software.


STEP 1: Install the firmware versions below

  1. X-A7 ver. 1.30 DOWNLOAD

  2. X-T200 ver. 1.10 DOWNLOAD

STEP 2: Camera Set-Up


  1. Set the camera’s connection setting to “USB WEBCAM”
    1. In the Main Menu, navigate to the SET UP Sub-menu and select “Connection Setting”
    2. Select “USB Connection Mode”
    3. Set Mode to “USB WEBCAM”


      1. Use exp. comp. dial to adjust exposure
      2. All other camera settings are fixed as the camera will act as a standard webcam
        1. Exposure is fixed at Auto, Face and Eye ON, and Pre-AF On
        2. Uses Provia (Standard) Film Simulation only
        3. Rear LCD display is off

STEP 3: Using the Webcam mode

  1. Connect the camera directly to your PC with the appropriate USB cable. When possible, do not connect through a USB Hub.
  2. Launch a compatible** streaming or conference application. Inside of the application select, “FUJIFILM X-T200” or “FUJIFILM X-A7” for the preferred camera. Once the camera is selected, video can be shared through the X Series camera by using the compatible conference or streaming application video streaming functionality.

  • Zoom

  • Skype

  • Google Meet

* Compatible Operating Systems: Windows 10 (64bit) / macOS 10.14(Mojave) / macOS 10.15(Catalina) are supported
** Compatible with Zoom/Google Meet/Skype/Microsoft Teams

FUJIFILM X Webcam Software

Compatible with GFX100, GFX50S, GFX50R, X-T4, X-T3, X-T2, X-H1, X-Pro3 and X-Pro2

As interconnectivity and video conferencing become increasingly important to all of us, we are happy to announce a simple and free way for compatible FUJIFILM X Series/GFX System digital cameras to operate as webcams. If you own a compatible FUJIFILM camera and Windows 10 PC or macOS running 10.12(Sierra) 〜 macOS 10.15(Catalina)***, download FUJIFILM X Webcam Support today!

***macOS: Use Web-based Zoom in Google Chrome instead of the native application or Safari.


STEP 1: Install FUJIFILM X Webcam Support

  1. Verify that FUJIFILM X Webcam Support is compatible with your PC or Mac and X Series Camera
    1. Windows 10, 64x PC or Mac running macOS 10.12(Sierra) 〜 macOS 10.15(Catalina)
    2. The following X Series and GFX System digital cameras are supported:
      1. GFX100/GFX50S/GFX50R
      2. X-T4/X-T3/X-T2
      3. X-H1
      4. X-Pro3/X-Pro2

STEP 2: Camera Set-Up

  1. Set the camera to the settings below BEFORE CONNECTING it to PC or Mac. Please note that Camera settings cannot be changed while it is connected to a computer. To adjust the camera settings, please disconnect it from the computer.
    1. Set the Camera to Still Mode on the Camera Body.

    2. On the Camera Body, set Drive setting set to “S” (Single shot).

  2. In the Main Menu, navigate to the SET UP Sub-menu
    1. Select “Connection Setting”

    2.  Select “(PC) Connection Mode”

    3. Set Mode to “USB Tether Shooting AUTO” or “USB Tether Shooting FIXED either setting will work for this application.”

  3. Set exposure on the camera.
    1. Manual exposure is preferred, with Auto ISO for changing light environments. Other exposure modes, such as Program, Shutter Priority or Aperture Priority, can be used when lighting conditions are inconsistent.
  4. To enable Auto-Focus, in the Main Menu, navigate to the AF/ MF Setting Sub-menu

    1. Select “Pre-AF”

    2.  “Set to “ON”. Remember to set this to “OFF” when not using the camera as a webcam.

STEP 3: Using FUJIFILM X Webcam Support

  1. Connect camera directly to your PC or Mac with the appropriate USB Cable. When possible, do not connect through a USB Hub.
  2. Launch a compatible** streaming or conference application. Inside of the application select, “Fujifilm X Webcam” for the preferred camera. Once the camera is selected, video can be shared through the X Series camera by using the compatible conference or streaming application video streaming functionality.

  • Zoom

  • Skype

  • Google Meet

**Compatible with Zoom/Google Meet/Skype/Microsoft Teams
***macOS: Use Web-based Zoom in Google Chrome instead of the native application or Safari.

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