GFX 50R “More than Full Frame” x Fernando Moleres


The Barceloneta Project

La Barceloneta is my neighborhood in Barcelona, 20 years ago; I moved here to live in this beautiful city and to be closer to the Mediterranean Sea.


GFX 50R & GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR

La Barceloneta has always been a very traditional neighborhood, with its life linked to the sea, now this urban landscape is struggling with transformation. Barcelona was put on the world map with the 92 Olympic Games and the city changed. The neighborhood closest to the sea, with its beach open to the city, was chosen by new people, like me and people from Europe and others from very different cultures. Today it is a mix of people from many parts of the world converging on its beaches.


GFX 50R & GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR


GFX 50R & GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR

Now you can say that two very different worlds coexist, the locals and the foreigners who decided to move here. They are like water and oil that coexist without mixing. Both worlds share the same public space, but in different ways, and this is how I reflect it.


GFX 50R & GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR


GFX 50R & GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR

The Barceloneta project has been made with the GFX 50R camera, ideal for a work with a certain discretion and maximum quality. The lens chosen at the beginning of this work was the zoom lens GF32-64mm and to finish this project it has been the Fujinon GF45-100mm zoom lens that has allowed me to work with an angular lens, and also, to use this lens as a short telephoto, decisive for portraits. With just one lens, I was able to cover all the focal lengths of this final part of the project.


GFX 50R & GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR


GFX 50R & GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR

Lens Report Zoom Lens GF 45-100

For me this lens is the perfect lens. I am a documentary photographer that most of my photographic work is done in a range of focal lengths from 35mm to 80mm (in 35mm full frame) so this GF45-100mm lens is perfect for me. My main lens in my time as an analogue photographer was 35mm (full frame).


GFX 50R & GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR

The short tele, which could be the 100mm focal length, is ideal for portraits. The stabilizer of the lens allows me to take very acceptable pictures at the long focal length like 100mm with incredible speeds like 1/ 15′, and with complete guarantee of sharpness at 1/30′. This allows me to go to work without a tripod, except when I want to do special effects with long time exposures.


GFX 50R & GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR

Now the best thing about this lens is the extreme quality in its sharpness, range and tonal color. In portraits, I can use the open aperture 4 to get a very interesting bokeh. This lens at its maximum F4 aperture has supreme quality in the center and corners, even when photographing subjects on different planes. The confidence in the quality of the F4 allows you to shoot at higher speeds.


GFX 50R & GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR

The combination of this lens and the GFX 50R camera allows you to achieve results that are unachievable by even the highest priced SLR cameras.

With the GFX 50R camera shooting at high sensitivities like 1600 / 3200 ISO, in more compromised light situations, is a privilege in sharpness. Attached is the sharpness and color tone in this portrait shot at 1600 ISO and a speed of 1/40 sec. A spectacle.


GFX 50R & GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR