Luis Ascui(Australia)

Luis Enrique Ascui was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1966, and has worked as a photojournalist in South America, Australia, Europe, and South East Asia over the last 28 years. In 2000, he received the Nikon Award for Photojournalism, and through his work explored the political turmoil and changes in Indonesia. He has undertaken projects in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Sarajevo. His work reflects an interest in the human struggle to survive under intolerable conditions, and the impact of war and disaster remain strong themes –whether among images of life in Taliban-controlled Kabul or the destructive scope of Asia’s devastating tsunami. A grant from Panos (London) assisted documentation of Mayan culture in Central America in 1994, and images of Guatemala were exhibited in Copenhagen at the United Nations Summit for Social Development.

He is currently based in Melbourne.

Luis AscuiLuis Ascui (Australia)Night Life in Valparaiso Chile
Luis Ascui (Australia)
Night Life in Valparaiso Chile
Luis AscuiLuis Ascui (Australia)Protest
Luis Ascui (Australia)