GF45-100mmF4 “Zoom Ahead” – Federico Tardito



I had the chance to hold in my hands the GFX100 with the new GF45-100 F4, and I immediately asked myself how I could ever make use of all the depth and richness of details in a tale that could reflect that same depth with its content.

The answer came with a project that I have had in mind for a long time on which I had been thinking for years.

Therefore, I’MPERFECT was born.

I have been working with modeling agencies for a long time, and over the years it became pretty clear that the standardized idea of beauty proposed by media, sooner or later, would have given way to a new and different idea of beauty. There was the need for something else, something capable of telling another story, a deeper story.

I’MPERFECT became a photographic journey, which today is only at the beginning of a long path where I have the lucky chance to meet incredible and unique people. People that, with great difficulties but even a greater fortitude, decided to face themselves, claiming the beauty of their uniqueness.

These lives, all so different from one another, impressed me a lot. I stopped to think about how many tales of suffering but also of redemption there are, how many silent battles hide, invisible, behind the people that surround us daily.

I met Carlotta, Marika, Francesca, Riccardo. My journey started with them.

Carlotta spent years doing her make-up meticulously, every day, to hide her angioma and her fears, until the day she decided to show her real self to others, discovering how strong and wonderfully unique she is.


Marika and Francesca have learned to accept their vitiligo, transforming it from a reason for discrimination to a distinctive feature that they now show with pride.


Riccardo managed to turn a serious accident into a turning point in his life, as a person first and now also as an athlete. He’s aiming for Tokyo 2020.


The goal that every one of them had in common was clear from the start: to transform these unique stories into narrative voices, through the power of photographic language.