Sandro Georgi(Switzerland)

Sandro Georgi is a freelance photographer from Bern, Switzerland. His main interests are documentary photography and the real stories of people. Shooting documentaries, he strives to tell the story as it is. He has been shooting with Fujifilm equipment for the last five years, and for the last two years exclusively. Sandro Georgi currently lives and works in Bern and is available for freelance jobs in Switzerland and abroad.

I am a documentary photographer with a passion for projects that go deeper instead of only scratching at the surface. I am a very curious person and love to immerse myself fully into a topic, soak up all that there is to now. I record what I see and experience exactly as I come across it. I have no interest in fabricated stories and always aim to look behind the mirror of what people and things seem to be. I don’t stage nor pose my photos but rather want people and my surroundings to forget about me in order for things to unfold naturally, to happen as they would without me. I record what happens because I believe I can shed light on and point people to stories I deem important. I want people to think and reflect about what they see in my images. I do what I do because I love the means photography provides for telling stories that need to be told. I use Fujifilm cameras because they perfectly well support my workflow due to the ergonomics and build quality and because I can achieve the desired look I need for my stories.

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