Rinzi Ruiz(USA)

Rinzi Ruiz is a freelance photographer based in Los Angeles, California. He originally studied graphic design and computer animation at the Art Institute of Los Angeles but after 12 years in the design industry found a passion for photography and made the switch. He is now known for his street photography and urban photography with his focus on light and shadow and the human condition. Rinzi was a featured photographer in the LA Times Framework and has had various photographs featured in the LA Times SoCal Moments. He has also been featured in Light It Magazine, The Candid Frame Podcast, Inspired Eye Magazine, Art Photo Feature, Fotoflock by Epson and Backyard Opera. His work has been exhibited at the Hatakeyama Gallery and The Think Tank Gallery. His work was published in Arte Fotográfica Magazine and Eloquence International Creators Magazine. His rapid development as a photographer is informed from a commitment to make time for his art, as well as developing a critical eye for what works and what doesn't. Inspired by both contemporary and master photographers, his understanding of the tradition of photography is helping him to develop a distinct voice.

Rinzi RuizRinzi Ruiz (USA)Street Photography
Rinzi Ruiz (USA)
Street Photography
Rinzi RuizRinzi Ruiz (USA)Gallery 02
Rinzi Ruiz (USA)
Gallery 02
Rinzi RuizRinzi Ruiz (USA)Gallery 01
Rinzi Ruiz (USA)
Gallery 01