Youssef Ait Bouskri (Morocco)

My name is Youssef Ait Bouskri, born in Marrakech morocco in 1979.

I am a designer and a commercial and street photographer based in Marrakech. I started taking photography more seriously from the moment I felt that I was getting better from shot to shot and that I started having a certain ease to translate what I see using my camera. Soddenly life got much more interesting thanks to the view finder through witch I was discovering the world.

Photography became my mane activity , taking pictures, teaching and of course keeping learning and experimenting new things. The Fujifilm X100S, changed the way I take pictures, it allowed me take pictures I couldn't take with any of my big dslr's, simply because it's an extraordinary piece of equipment, light, fast, silent, delivers a outstanding quality pictures, beautiful and it starts conversations like no other camera. I have it with me all the time, it became with my iPhone, the two items I use the most.

Youssef Ait Bouskri (Morocco)Gallery 01
Youssef Ait Bouskri (Morocco)
Gallery 01