Kristinn Ingvarsson(Iceland)
Kristinn Ingvarsson is a portrait and a documentary photographer based in Reykjavík, Iceland.
He studied photography at Harrow College of Higher Education (now University of Westminster) in London. After graduation in 1989, Kristinn became a press photographer in Iceland and was in that field for 26 years.
As a press photographer he covered both national and international stories, the Olympic Games in Atlanta, a heart transplant in Gothenburg, Sweden, the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull to name just a few.
Kristinn is now working at the Division of Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Iceland.
His Major Project at Harrow College comprised an essay on definition of portraits, along with portraits of members of the British aristocracy in the House of Lords. Three of these portraits are in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery in London, the portrait of Earl Longford, Baron Todd and Baron McAlpine.
Kristinn’s exhibition Portrait of Contemporary Authors was first shown in Berlin in March 2011, then at the Frankfurt Book Fair and several cities in Germany, before traveling the world.
His first book of portraits, Skuggaföll, was published along with an exhibition at the National Museum of Iceland in 2005 and his second, Sköpunarsögur, Portrait of Contemporary Authors in 2007.
I think the way I take pictures has changed with X-Pro2. It's fun to work with this camera, its effortless and therefore I can be more creative. I love the rangefinder, it reminds me of my Mamiya 6, a camera I used a lot back in the day. Another thing to mention is the quality of the images, and the filmic look they have.
The film simulation is remarkable, it's great to be able to fine tune the settings in camera to get the effect I am looking for.
The XF lenses are also incredible sharp, light and compact.