GFX stories with Eric Bouvet
Eric Bouvet is a French photographer born in 1961. He began his carrier in 1981 after arts and applied graphic techniques studies at Estienne School of Paris.
His interest for photography seems to start when, aged of 8 years old, he saw on TV the first steps of man on the moon. The power of the direct information broadcast, the picture's strength of this historical moment seems to be the main factors for him to cover the evolution of the world over 120 different countries during the last thirty years.
Eric Bouvet worked as photographer for Gamma agency during the eighties. He works as free lance since 1990.
In 1985, he gains his international reputation with the covering of the Armero volcanic eruption in Colombia. After, he covered the main conflicts of the recent past in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Chechnya, Sudan, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Israel, North Ireland, Kurdistan, Angola, Suriname, Rwanda and Libya.
He covered also the main international moments as the ayatollah Khomeini's funeral, the Tiananmen Square Chinese protests, the fall of Berlin Wall, the Czech velvet revolution, the release from prison of Nelson Mandela and the Olympic games.
He worked also on many social subjects as the Russian jails, the young soldiers on aircraft carriers, the French police work in suburb, the last miners in France, the life in pediatric department for children suffering cancer.
The three last years, he is working on two long way documentary subjects named «Love» and «Peace».
His work has been published by the main international magazines as Time, Life, Newsweek, Paris-Match, Stern, the Sunday Times Magazine, the NYT Magazine, Der Spiegel, Le Monde.
He collaborated to photographic campaigns for the United Nations, many NGOs and charity organizations as « Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)", the International Committee of the Red Cross, "Médecins du Monde (MDM)" and "Action Contre la Faim (ACF)".
Along the way, Bouvet has received five World Press Awards, as well as two Visa d’Or Awards (Perpignan Photo Festival), the Gold medal for the 150th anniversary of Photography, the Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents, the Public award from Bayeux-Calvados, the Front Line Club award and the Paris-Match Award.