Nilay Islek(Turkey)
Islek, started to Advertising Photography in 1995 during her education. While she moved up in the career ladder, she became a sought after instructor and gave lectures in several schools and associations such as Izmir Fen High School and Izmir Association of Photography Art (IFOD). Universiade 2005 Izmir Summer Plays was her first important international event as a member of editorial board. After that, she has participated to several international events and projects. Her newest project is Izmir- Bremen Photography Artist Residance Program “Elsewhere” between 2017-2018. In the mean time, Nilay Islek started her own atelier, Artlens Visual Culture and Photography , which is a continuous education center in the field of photography for eight years now. In 2016, Nilay Islek is chosen for the international title of Fujifilm “X-Photographer” as the first woman photographer from Turkey. She’s been given Basic Photography Courses Fujifilm Education Centre in Izmir as the official instructor of Fujifilm. She worked as a lecturer in Izmir Economy University between 2015-2018. On the other hand, her academic career is going on at Ege University Faculty of Communication, Radio, Television and Cinema PhD program. She lives and continues her life of art in London.