Get involved in our creator community.
Our creators are among some of the best that our community of Fujifilm photographers has to offer. Their talents and passion for the craft of image making are second only to their desire to give back to the overall image making community through education, advocacy, and empowerment. Please read below to learn more about how to join this amazing community of influential image makers and submit an application to become a FUJIFILM Collaborator today!

It Starts with Collaboration
Becoming a FUJIFILM Collaborator is the first step in becoming a part of our Creator community. Learn what having a professional relationship with us could look like and take steps towards successfully working with us.

How it Works
Submit an application for consideration (read the terms and conditions)
Applications to become a Collaborator are accepted year-round and reviewed throughout the year
Depending upon timing, budget, and availability, selections for new FUJIFILM Collaborators will be announced in October of each year
Upon selection, new FUJIFILM Collaborators will have a chance to work on an image-making project with Fujifilm
Have the opportunity submit an application to become a FUJIFILM Creator upon completion of the Collaborator project

Continue to Create with Us
A incredible group of creatives with a passion for giving back to the image making community by educating, mentoring, or advocating for those around them. They also Support our product launches, represent us at events, and have a close relationship to the Fujifilm brand.

With limited exception, first be a FUJIFILM Collaborator
Be a working, part-time or full-time image-making professional
Have a desire to influence the community around you through mentoring, education, or advocacy
Exclusively use FUJIFILM X-Series and GFX System digital camera and lens products in making images

Build Your Legacy™
Shape our community like the image makers that have come before you. Selected from the best of our FUJIFILM Creators, X-Photographers will be chosen not only for the images they make, but also for the contributions they make to the image-making community.

With limited exception, first be a FUJIFILM Creator
Every 4 years, submit an application to be reviewed for consideration
Demonstrate exceptional ability to meet our expectations in image-making projects
Demonstrate a deep desire to contribute back to the photographic community through education, mentoring, or advocacy
Exclusively use FUJIFILM X-Series and GFX System digital camera and lens products in making images and video