Isabel Corthier(Belgium)
Isabel Corthier (1977, Belgium) is a freelance photographer and works on reportage and portrait photography.
She travels around the world to make photoreportages for NGO’s like Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), Caritas, Trias, Vredeseilanden (VECO), Louvain Coopération and Ondernemers voor Ondernemers.
Her work has featured in several magazines and campaigns. Some of her photos have been shown in exhibitions in China (Lishui, Pingyao), India (Calcutta), France (Barro) and Belgium and some pictures have won awards.
In her pictures, she wants to show the humanity.
"For me it is important to have a close contact with the person I am photographing. The X-T1 is the perfect gear to capture precious moments during encounters with people from other cultures."