On the Road with the X-T30: Eastern Washington with Victoria Wright


PHOTOGRAPHER: Victoria Wright
BASED IN: Pacific Northwest, USA
KNOWN FOR: Lifestyle and travel photography
SHOOTS WITH: FUJIFILM GFX 50S Camera, X-T3 Camera, and X100F Camera, FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lens, GF110mmF2 R LM WR Lens, GF32–64mmF4 R LM WR Lens, XF16mmF1.4 R WR Lens, XF23mmF1.4 R Lens, XF35mmF1.4 R Lens, XF56mmF1.2 R Lens, XF90mmF2 R LM WR Lens, XF10-24mmF4 R OIS Lens, XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR Lens, and XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS Lens


The second destination on the X-T30’s adventure is Eastern Washington with FUJIFILM X-Photographer, Victoria Wright. Victoria took the camera on a personal journey to photograph the landscapes she recalls so vividly from her childhood, and to remember her grandfather’s influence on her art.


As a commercial photographer with clients from all around the world, Victoria Wright has seen many places and shot many locations, however, none are more special to her than Eastern Washington – not far from where she grew up. It is not just about the spectacular landscapes, but the memories they hold.

“Getting out in nature was one of my favorite pastimes as a child. Some of my fondest memories include tromping around parks and trails with my grandfather,” says Victoria. “He was a professional painter who often painted vignettes of our favorite places in Washington, as well as his own memories and magical scenes from his homeland in Eastern Europe,” she recalls.

Sadly, Victoria lost her grandfather a few years ago, which makes visiting the area even more significant for her. “Coming back to this region always makes me feel a little more connected to him. Taking the X-T30 out to see a familiar place with fresh eyes was good for my soul,” she says.


Although inheriting his creativity, Victoria admits she never had the patience to paint like her grandfather did, using photography as her outlet instead. “For me, it’s a way to keep a visual journal,” she explains. “I sometimes struggle with words, but with a camera, I can tell a story. It’s also a way to disconnect from the noise in everyday life and focus on the quiet beauty around us.”

For someone who specializes in travel photography, Victoria knows the value of portability when it comes to gear, which is why the X-T30’s slim body was a big hit. “The smaller body of the X-T30 is extremely convenient, but also superior in function as it maintains the many professional features that I’ve grown accustomed to with the X-T3,” she says, adding that the ability the X-T30 gives you to pack light makes it the perfect companion. “You’re much more likely to bring a camera along day-to-day if it doesn’t feel like a burden, and the X-T30 gets extra bonus points for being such a high-quality tool.”

Despite being driven by the art of travel photography, Victoria believes that when you’re constantly “chasing epic” it can be easy to forget what really makes a photograph special. “While I love sharing beautiful stories and scenes, I have found that the quiet images – silly selfies with my niece and daily captures during my neighborhood walks – are just as important to my creative process and journey as an artist.”


Victoria says that getting caught up in this cycle can feel discouraging, especially in a digital age dominated by social media. “I believe we have a responsibility to be honest storytellers, to not perpetuate the unrealistic expectations created while overdoing Photoshop work on women, and to use our platforms to speak kindness and positivity,” she explains.

In fact, Victoria believes this honest approach is the key to creating images that will be enjoyed long into the future. “When we look back at old images, the ones we connect to most are the ones of people and places that mean something to us. Don’t worry about the images being perfect, I promise you’ll want them any way you can get them when you’re older,” she tells us. “One of my biggest regrets is when I first started my work as a photographer; I would delete thousands of ‘imperfect’ images and leave only a few ‘pretty’ ones.”

When it comes to legacy, Victoria feels it is something that cannot be forced, but instead an organic process that is born out of a passion. “Sure, as a photographer I want to leave my work behind for future generations as any artist would, but that’s not why I do what I do. Each mentor, relative, or friend imparts a unique legacy, but it’s often unnoticed in the immediate moment. It’s only later that we realize what a monumental impact they had on us.”


Using her grandfather as an example, she goes on to explain how he has inspired her to be the artist she is now and how this influence is what reminds her to take her time, savor the good and continue telling compelling, honest stories. “The way my grandfather saw the world has deeply impacted me as a person and as a photographer. I slow down, I try to appreciate the beauty in the mundane and I keep my camera close by – maybe someday I’ll be patient enough to pick up a paintbrush again.”

Victoria Wright is a compensated FUJIFILM X-Photographer.

To see more of Victoria’s work, visit her website.

Follow the rest of the X-T30’s journey here or find out more about this amazing camera on our dedicated X-T30 page.