Benno Riffel(Germany)

Benno Riffel was born in Heidelberg (Germany) in 1959. After he completed several assistance jobs, he founded his studio for advertising photography in Sinsheim in 1990. Since then he is working as well for national as international companies and agencies from the fields: People / Stills / Architecture.
His great passion is street photography, which he describes as "Out of the studio - and pumping into the real life. I love those small and unexpected moments- it seems like the time is standing still"
Benno Riffel is a member of BKK Germany (Federal Association of Visual Artists) . Publications of his independent projects: i.a in PhotoInternational, Novum, Color Foto and Designers Digest.
Always present - the great Fujifilm X Cameras. Fantastic tools, which I more and more integrate into my daily work. Magnificent optics with excellent resolutions. Fantastic support, regular updates. Nothing more to say!
Benno RiffelBenno Riffel (Germany)Gallery 01
Benno Riffel (Germany)
Gallery 01